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March 6, 2012 - Last September our beautiful mimosa tree had to be cut down due to termite damage.

Although we've accepted the emptiness of the space, we knew that we had to plant something in its place.

So, we decided on a Valencia orange tree and ordered one immediately.  However, they can only be planted in the spring and we patiently waited six months for the phone call.  Last week, Johnny's Nursery called and told us to expect delivery on Monday, March 5, 2012.  To save $95.00, I took on the task to dig the hole.

The box that the tree was coming in was a two foot tapered cube.  That's a big hole.

The tools waiting for the delivery man's 4:30 PM arrival.

Today it's in after 45 minutes of Judy and I struggling to maneuver about 300 pounds of dead weight.  When we slid it into the hole, one orange bonked me in the head and fell off the tree.  So Judy and I shared our first screwdriver with a little vodka and the juice of our own Valencia orange.  It was fate that one orange fell off.

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