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November 17, 2019 - Sunday - While Judy is in Nevada City, CA visiting her sister Bev, I noticed that the Trinity Episcopal Church in Redlands was having their 11th Annual Native American worship service today, so I decided to check it out.  This church has existed in Redlands since 1886 at several different locations.  It moved for the last time in 1904 into this beautiful church that was built mostly in the English tradition out of cut stone.

There are many stained glass windows in the church.

This one is called the "Ascension" and it came from the original church.  It was crafted in Munich, Germany in 1893.

The Native American guests assembled outside and formed the procession that opened the service.

This is the Reverend Canon Mary Crist, Ed. D., who delivered today's sermon.

The procession followed the banners of the four directions.

After everyone had filed in, the church was almost at capacity.

It was a beautiful ceremony in a lovely setting.

This must be the cornerstone from the original church.

There was a buffet lunch afterwards that I didn't stay for.  The service lasted two and a half hours so I grabbed some food at home.

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