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May 21, 2022 - Saturday - Judy has gone up to Nevada City, CA to visit her sister for a few days, so I decided to take a short adventure on my own.  I went to the Riverside Art Museum to see their latest exhibit, "What Would You Say?: Activist Graphics from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art."  Since the mid-20th century, California has been a beacon of both inventive design and political activism.  Exploring the intersection of these realms, this exhibition uses case studies from LACMA’s collection to demonstrate how designers and artists championed civil rights, opposed wars and injustice, and pressed for change.

This Julia Morgan designed building is exquisite.

Most of these screen prints are self-explanatory, but you have to look at them for a bit.  The one below mixes the American flag with a jail for people of color.

Dolores Huerta, farm worker activist with Cesar Chavez.

"I am Chicano," in shackles.

This one links a Reagan-era government official (pin striped suit) with the drug trafficking Contra rebels.

Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates.

From the 1970's to the present, these posters are arresting images.

Before the museum I had lunch at our Riverside favorite, Tio's Tacos.

I had my usual today, shrimp in a garlic sauce with rice and beans, salad and corn tortillas.

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