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January 2, 2019 - Today we drove south to beautiful Carlsbad, CA to visit the Museum of Making Music.  The Museum tells the story of how the music products industry supplies the world with the instruments, products and gear that are used to make music.  Founded in 1998 and opened to the public in March 2000, the Museum celebrates the music products industry’s rich history from 1900 to today.  The core exhibition explores how and why these instruments develop, who makes them, what they sound like in the hands of masters and how they feel in our own hands.

The exhibits examine different periods in the development of instruments.

We had never seen a harp guitar before today.

During the 1920's, instruments were starting to be sold in individual music stores.  Before that, only department stores carried musical instruments.  The "music stores" of each period showed what was being sold during that period.

Each musical era was represented by audio recordings of that period.  It's pretty cool.

This is Ginger Rogers' accordion.

Each exhibit had period appropriate instruments that visitors were encouraged to play.  I had fun with this Rickenbacker slide guitar.

The Sixties, "from placid to acid," how appropriate!

At the end of the exhibits there is an "Innovation Studio," where all kinds of instruments can be played.

It's a wonderful museum that has been well planned and arranged.

After the Museum, we had planned to eat at an Italian deli, but the owners took off for Italy during the holidays.  Instead we stopped at Noodles and Company and were very satisfied.

I had their Japanese Pan Noodles, which are caramelized udon noodles in a sweet soy sauce, broccoli, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, black sesame seeds and cilantro.

Judy had their potstickers, which were chicken dumplings served with a soy dipping sauce.

But what she really loved was their Thai Chicken, which is coconut curry chicken soup with onion, cabbage, red bell pepper, lemongrass, lime, galangal, turmeric, shiitake mushrooms, carrots and shallots.  Everything was delicious!

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