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December 15, 2021 - Wednesday - Today we headed north into the Mojave Desert to see a few points of interest.  After almost two hours of driving we arrived at our first stop, Huell Howser's Volcano House.

I found these next two pictures on the Internet.

Our next stop is a Route 66 icon, the Bagdad Cafe.

It has been closed for a while, but one of these ladies told me I could take all the pictures I wanted, so I got this one through the window.

Our last sightseeing stop was to check out a future ghost town, Daggett, CA.

For lunch today, we drove into nearby Barstow, CA to sample some Italian food at Di Napoli's Firehouse Italian Eatery.

I had my usual linguini with clams dish and it was excellent.

Judy had a baked ziti dish that was also delicious, and so big it'll be tomorrow's lunch for both of us.

It was a great day in the Mojave desert.

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