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June 12, 2023 - Monday - Judy has flown north to visit her sister so I decided to visit the Redlands California Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I didn't believe that I would have access inside the temple, but their grounds are supposedly open to the public.  The temple opened in 2003 and sits on 4.6 acres.  The building itself is 17,300 square feet.  It was a drizzly day here in Redlands.

A member came out the front door and told me politely that non-members are not allowed inside.  He asked if I had come to the open house and I replied "When was it?"  He told me in 2003, twenty years ago, when the temple was dedicated.  I guess they've been keeping out non-members for twenty years now.

This is the front door that I couldn't enter.

At least I got a picture of a portion of the front lobby through a window.

The member that I ran into told me it was more beautiful inside than the grounds.  I believe him.

Before the Temple, I had brunch at the Bear Springs Bistro & Lounge in Highland.

I had their "California Eggs Benedict" with grilled ciabatta toast topped with two eggs, sliced tomato, avocado and arugula, then drizzled with freshly prepared hollandaise sauce.  It was served with sliced fruit and it was delicious!

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