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January 25, 2020 - Saturday - Today we were in Del Mar, CA, not to attend any horse races, but to attend the annual San Diego Cat Show.  It bills itself as the "Largest Cat Show in the Western United States," but we were interested simply because neither one of us had ever attended any cat show or dog show.  It was big and noisy since the loudspeakers were blaring about which cats were being judged in at least a half dozen areas.

This is typical of how the judging areas looked.

Even though most of the cats looked unhappy, or just plain scared of all the attention, there were plenty of beautiful cats to see.

Well, it was an adventure, but probably not one that we'd do again.  It appeared to be very traumatic for the kitties, no matter how beautiful they are.

We figured that we'd find something to eat at the show, but no food trucks there enticed us.  We ended up at a restaurant just outside the fair grounds that wasn't very noteworthy.  You can't win them all.

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