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August 3, 2022 - Wednesday - Today we were in Santa Ana, CA to see the latest exhibit at the Bowers Museum.  The Bowers is hosting the California Art Club's 111th Annual Gold Medal Exhibition.  The California Art Club was established in 1909 by the early California Impressionists or Plein Air Painters.  The Annual Gold Medal Exhibition is the most vital platform for demonstrating the best of the realist genre.

There are 238 works on display in this exhibition.  It is dazzling and a little bit overwhelming, it kind of tired us out at the end.  However, the incredible talent of these artists is a wonder to behold.  We loved it.

Before the museum, we had brunch at Norm's.

Judy had their sausage and biscuit special with eggs and hash browns.

I tried a new item on their menu, chicken and waffle with eggs.

It was a very nice day.

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